Hearts at Work Foundation celebrated Independence Day with Tree Plantation

Surat, Aug 13: The Hearts at Work Foundation, led by Greenman Viral Desai, celebrated Independence Day by tree plantation at the Sultania Gymkhana in Rander. The tree planting event was specially attended by about a hundred employees of internationally renowned architect firm International Service Partners. They took guidance on tree planting from Greenman Viral Desai.
It may be mentioned that the young architects, as well as engineers of International Service Partners (ISP) of Surat, had specially invited Greenman Viral Desai to plant trees with Hearts at Work Foundation as part of the Independence Day celebrations. So that the youngest employees working in their organization get more awareness about tree plantations, and they also get a chance to interact with the environment.
The director of ISP, Hiren Patel, shares that,
“We were impressed with the Hearts at Work Foundation’s environmental work, so we wanted our entire team to plant trees with them. After this tree planting, our staff was very happy to care for and serve nature, and they got useful information about the environment from Viral Bhai. ‘
On the other hand, Greenman Viral Desai said, “It is a matter of great hope and joy for an environmentalist like me that more than 100 employees of a corporate organization like ISP come for vigorous tree planting under our Satyagraha Against Pollution Campaign. And this happens at a time when the youth are becoming alienated from nature and the environment.”
ISP’s Dhara Upadhyay said on this occasion, “On the one hand, some people have only been involved in fundraising and agenda activities in the name of NGO’s. At such time, Hearts at Work Foundation sets a unique benchmark and precedence as an organization from south Gujarat, which works for the environment and serves the country, despite several challenges.
It may be mentioned that during this tree planting program, Viral Desai shared many innovative and informative stories about the environment and tree plantation with the youth. As a result, many young architects and engineers were extremely excited and keen to volunteer as environmentalists in Viral Desai’s Foundation.